1 | Raw open air file as read from the Canadian Airspace Handbook | canadian_airspace.air |
2 | All controlled airspace above 12500ft converted to class B. This is a larger file but more accurately represents the airspace | canadian_airspace_addedB.air |
3 | All class E and airspace above 18000ft removed and all controlled airspace above 12500ft is converted to class B. This reduces the file size and declutters a vario display | canadian_airspace_noE_below18000.air |
4 | Same as 3 above but with all CYA's removed. This reduces the file size and vario clutter even more | canadian_airspace_noE_below18000_noCYA.air |
5 | All class E and airspace above 12500ft removed. This makes the file much smaller and is a good choice if you know that you will never be above 12500ft. | canadian_airspace_noE_below12500.air |
6 | Same as 5 above but with all CYA's removed. This is the smallest file gives the least cluttered vario display. | canadian_airspace_noE_below12500_noCYA.air |